Monday, 26 November 2012

Our 2nd Visit to Amroha India

My second mission to Northern India to visit the ministry of Pastor Sonu Singh took place from 16 November to 24 November 2012, and this time I was accompanied by my wife Christa.  After a 12 hour trip via Abu Dhabi to New Delhi, we were met by Pastor Sonu and his lovely wife Pinky.  Now we had a further 3 hour trip to the town of Amroha in the district of Utter Pradesh.   This was not such a hair-raising experience as my first visit (we arrived 3am) because with much traffic drivers  drive where they liked and their hands never seem to leave the car horn!
                                           Pinky Singh, Jeff & Christa, Pastor Sonu Singh
As nothing was arranged for the first day we took a Rickshaw ride into the town for Christa to purchase some Indian clothes.  I must admit all of them were so beautiful and it was difficult to choose which was best for her.  But I knew that if I didn't get her out of the shop, she would probably buy the whole stock!  That evening we visited the parents of Pastor Sonu, and what a joy it was for me to meet them the second time.   After many cups of Indian Chai tea (delicious) we collapsed into our beds truly worn out.   When I previously came in August temperatures reached 40o centigrade and electricity and with it the ventilation seemed to fail at night time which left me soaking in sweat, but this time it was a pleasant 27o Centigrade.   Again, bathing was throwing cold water over oneself and in the morning before the sun rose it was quite cold! Using the toilet was a new experience for Christa and she soon got used to the ceramic hole in the ground!
                                            Many people attended the Crusades

The next day after a scrambled egg sandwich breakfast and lots of Chai tea we left for our first crusade in the town of Bazpur, a journey of 3 hours away.   The massive tent had already been set up the day before by Pastor Daniel Singh – a cousin of Sonu Singh.    When we arrived there was a massive police presence as some radical Hindus did not want us there! After introductions and the flowers were hung over our necks, some of the town officials spoke and then I was surprised to be told I only had 2 minutes to speak!  
                                   Jeff & young boy who gave me a gardland of flowers

Expecting a riot Pastor Sonu told me that the town officials asked us to leave and that we could come back the next day and hold our crusade.   Christa and I were literally hassled off the platform but people pushed forward so that I could lay my hands on them.   Almost like some royalty I was pushed into the waiting car and we drove off at top speed.  Later I had heard that the wife of pastor Daniel wielded a big stick, saying if any of the extremists Hindus wanted to lay their hands on any of us that they would have to pass by her first!  Definitely a David in front of a giant!
                                          Me preaching and Pastor Sonu interpreting
The following day we came back to Bazpur and again there was a heavy presence of police at the tent.  This time I was allowed to share the Gospel and soon we were praying for the sick, but once again after only 15 minutes of praying I was pulled away and shoved into the waiting car.   As all the police had decided to leave, Pastor Sonu decided for our own safety it was best to also leave.   This town has never heard of the name of Jesus Christ and we were the first Europeans to enter it.   I have since heard that there were many miracles that happened as we prayed and now the town officials want us to return in the future.  We truly believe that God has opened the door to these people and soon many will be saved and house churches established.

The following day was a rest day, but we really did not get any rest as we visited some families and ended up praying for many people.  The next two days there was to be 2 crusades in the town on Kalali and the team had already set up the tent with sound equipment and a worship team.   This was to be the cream on the cake so to speak, as over 2,000 people received Christ as their Lord and Saviour.  Miracles and healings took place, and I was deeply impacted to see 5 people who were deaf being able to hear again.  The looks on their faces said it all.  One young boy who was dumb said his first word HALLELUJAH!  Christa was kept very busy praying as we gave everyone of the large crowd personal prayer.  On each of the days we must have spent at least 4 hours praying for these people.
                                                 Many Bibles were handed out!
On our last day we went to visit a family in another town and many people turned out to look at us.  After all, the television people had interviewed us as well as the local papers who each day had placed an article in their newspaper.  Try staying humble when so many people come up shaking your hands as though you were some holy guru!  But it was good that we went to this village as I heard from Pastor Sonu that many Hindus received healing to their bodies and want us to come back and hold a crusade.
                                                        Jeff and children
You may be asking, what happens to all these people who have received Jesus Christ into their lives? They are all followed up.  Pastor Sonu starts a House Church in each town and they receive discipleship from members of his team.   Soon this House Church will start other House Churches.    I asked Pastor Sonu if he had any idea of how many people received Christ during his time of ministry and he humbly replied, maybe over 16,000 souls for Christ.  With CPM (Church Planting Movement) one cannot keep up with numbers of House Churches, and it has proved very effective in other parts of India and also the world. 
                                              Christa laying hands on sick boy!

With House Churches there is less expenses and no need to build church buildings or pay pastors.  However, Pastor Sonu is the founder of Salvation for Asia Ministries and has many projects that need to be fulfilled for the ministry to run effectively.    He is presently housed in a rented house and the owners are not very happy with so many visitors and the loud prayer meetings that he holds daily, so they need their own ministry house.  They also have to rent taxis each time people visit them or when they have a big outreach in another town, and therefore there is a need for a microbus and motorbikes.   Pastor almost seemed reluctant to give me a list of projects, but I insisted that people needed and wanted if they are to help to know what they were.   One of these was for a generator as they like to show the Jesus film in villages where there is no electricity, and even when there is electricity, many times they have blackouts.   I give a list of these below and would ask you to pray about helping to obtain these different articles, and even pass this Blog post and list to others who might be interested in helping.   We thank you in advance.
                                             Pastor Sonu Singh praying for the sick

am now convinced that Pastor Sonu has laid a strong foundation for his ministry and has a team that is on fire for Jesus.  His vision is not just for India, but for the whole of Asia and he already has plans to visit Nepal.  In Matthew 16:1-12, Jesus provides us with a test to determine if we have clear spiritual vision. He identified several characteristics that distinguish a spiritually blind person from one who can see.  I can tell you that Pastor Sonu's vision fulfills all these characteristics: 

1. The vision leads to helping others.
2. The vision glorifies God.
3. The vision is future focused.
4. The vision defeats the devil.
5. The vision advances God’s kingdom.

Please pray about supporting Pastor Sonu Singh financially monthly or with a one-time offering and be part of his team.  You can go to his website at This website is to be renewed in the near future.
                                                                       Over 2,000 were saved

In Christ

Jeff Mills
                                                                 Jeff sharing Jesus


Salvation for Asia Ministries
Pastor Sonu Singh

Projects – Long term and short term

The following is a list of projects in the order of priority.  We believe that our God is the owner of all the cattle and gold on the hills, and that if it is His will then He will provide and speak with others to give generously so this ministry can function properly for the Kingdom of  God.
1.        Purchase of Land                                     $80,000
2.        Construction of Ministry House             $80,000
3.        Microbus                                                  $40,000
4.        6 x Motor bikes                                          $6 000      $1,000 each
5.        Generator for house & film showing.        $2,000
6.        Air conditioners x 2                                    $1,000       $500 each
7.        Laptop Computer                                         $800
8.        Desktop  Computer                                      $800   
9.        Cell phone x 2                                               $200       $100 each
10.    Music Keyboard                                        $2,000
11.    Drum Electric Pad                                         $800
12.    Sleeping Bags for team (visits)                 $1,200       $120 each

Monthly Needs

1.         Support for 20 x pastors                            $2,000        $100 each
2.         Bibles                                                            $300  

Pastor Sonu Singh has my covering as a spiritual Father.  His Website is soon to be updated.  I have seen first-hand his ministry and believe that if we can implement all the above projects, his ministry will be able to function 100% better and thousands of people will be won to the Lord.
Jeff Mills
Evangelist/missionary to Guatemala   

Jeff with Babu
Pastor Daniel Singh praying
1,500 attended


  1. Dear Jeff Y Christa, I live in Antigua, and I'm very interested in learning more about your ministry. I clicked on the "Contact Us" link on your page, but nothing came up. So I thought I would try to contact you through your blog.
    My email address is Would you please contact me when you have time? Thank you so much. Blessings!

  2. that.s very nice work . salute it

  3. hey pastor sonu singh . i would like to talk personally so please email me on my id .
